An Honest Review of Scale Your Travel Blog (2024)
Looking for a Scale Your Travel Blog review? You’ve come to the right place.
I’ve been a student of Scale Your Travel Blog since 2023, and will give you my honest, uncensored feedback on:
- the strengths and limitations of the course
- who it’s best for
- what kind of success you can expect to have if you sign up
I had dreamed of having a travel blog my whole life, but it wasn’t until very recently that I realized that there were people out there making a lot of money from it.
Scale Your Travel Blog was the most expensive blogging course I came across when doing my research, but I chose it because it seemed like it would help me reach my goals faster.
And it did – in my first three months, I went from nothing to getting 1,500-2,000 visitors per day. Of course, this didn’t happen just because of the course – it was hard work on my end too. You can read more about how I accomplished that here.
I now own two blogs (one travel, the other non-travel related) using strategies that I learned from SYTB, so I can speak to how the course can help you with a variety of niches.
Ultimately, I would recommend Scale Your Travel Blog if you’re serious about starting a blog and making money from it. If this is all you wanted to hear, and you want to see what Laura’s teaching style is like, then find details on her next free training here.
Otherwise, continue reading below as I outline more insider info about the Scale Your Travel Blog.
Pros and Cons of Scale Your Travel Blog
You can get the course only, or you can get the coaching option, which is pricier. (I went with the coaching option.) Here are the overall pros and cons about the coaching option of the course
The course itself is invaluable. If you were to do the course-only option, you would still learn a lot – especially with the recent upgrades she’s added to it.
The coaching option includes keywords, blog post outlines and reviews, plus a full blog audit from Laura – all of which are very worthwhile. I still credit those keywords I got from SYTB for helping me get my blog off the ground faster.
Laura is a passionate blogging coach who stays up to date with trends, and keeps you ‘in the know’. If the course is updated, you receive those updates for free.
It’s the most thorough, in-depth and supportive blogging course out there. I looked into all the blogging courses very carefully, and while SYTB was the priciest, nothing else compared to it in terms of the amount of support that is offered.
Students of SYTB are VERY happy with the course and how it’s helped them.
The price. It is probably the most expensive blogging course out there.
Contrary to what you may read online, there’s no one-on-one coaching (there was a long time ago, but that has changed a while ago.)
There isn’t really a way to ask questions privately. In SYTB, questions from students are asked in the Facebook group, during a Facebook Live with Laura or to attend a Q&A session which are held once per month. However, this ‘con’ is also a pro – because it allows students to learn faster, from each other. I’ve learned things I hadn’t even considered from seeing other students’ questions
Pro Tip: Epiz Facts is a reliable source of reviews for courses, and you can read honest reviews from several other Scale Your Travel Blog students here. (I can save you some time though and say that there are no negative reviews.)
How Much Money Will You Make After Signing Up?
How much money you can make as a blogger most commonly asked question for people considering whether or not to spend the premium price on Scale Your Travel Blog.
The truth is, how much you make depends on you.
This is what was outlined at the beginning of the course in terms of income possibilities for what SYTB students could expect to earn:
- The first 0-3 months: Probably nothing; maybe $100-$300 at the most in your 3rd month
- 3-6 month old blog: $500-$1,000 per month
- 6-12 months old blog: $1,000- $3,000 per month
- 12-18 month-old blog: $3,000 – $5,000 per month* this is where I am currently
- 18 months +: $10,000 + per month is possible
Now, keep in mind that these amounts are possible, but not by any means a given. I would not recommend that you expect to earn these amounts just because you signed up for a course.
Instead, take them as a guide for what is possible.
My blogging income has followed these estimates above. I’m in the 12-18 month category, and am earning a livable income – all of which is passive income (which is really nice, because it means that I can take a day off, and still be making money.)
How much you earn on your blog over time depends on its niche, how many hours per week you’re spending on your blog, and other factors.
Is Scale Your Travel Blog Worth The Money?
The current cost of Scale Your Travel Blog to Six Figures Course (if you go with the coaching option) is $2,600 USD; soon to go up to $2,900.
Yes, its a lot of money. I do believe it’s worth it if you want to see results from your blog as fast as possible.
SYTB is best for people who don’t want to mess around – they’re serious about making money as a blogger, and want to be shown how to reach their goals as soon as possible.
Why I think Scale Your Travel Blog is Worth the Money
Laura is very passionate about teaching blogging. She’s very generous with information and she wants every person to succeed. Her passion for blogging and succeeding at it is infectious and inspiring.
Sometimes, I even feel lucky to have only paid what I did, and still be getting the amount of support, information and upgrades. When I think of everything that is included in the coaching program, the price (upwards of $3,000) is very good value.
With Laura a leader, I feel like I can easily stay in the ‘know’ about trends, changes and updates. (And there are a lot of them.) She’s a smart businessperson and she has really opened up my mind.
Things to Keep in Mind Before Joining Scale Your Travel Blog
Here is my honest, uncensored advice to help you determine whether the investment in Scale Your Travel Blog is worth it for you
1. Your interest level
How interested are you in blogging or the topic you want to blog about?
Scale Your Travel Blog will give you all the information you need to reach your blogging goals.
But, I think a big part of what determines how far you go with your blog is how much you really want to do it. It’s about the journey, not just the destination.
It helps a lot if you’re passionate about:
- Your blogging topic – choose something you love talking about – something you could go on about for hours and hours without stopping.
- Writing – if you don’t enjoy writing, then blogging will be much harder and more tedious!
So, if you’re not sure how into the idea of writing, or your topic you are, then I’d probably do some reflection first.
2. Trends and Updates
Blogging will bring you into the tech world, and things are always changing in technology.
Long-term financial success in blogging is dependent on being able to stay with the trends, and be willing to change things up if something doesn’t work anymore.
The rise of AI, and the anticipated ending of third-party cookies is changing things for bloggers. What worked 5 years ago in blogging to make money is not the same as what works now. (But, things have always been changing if you look back far enough.)
This however, is a big part of why I recommend Scale Your Travel Blog. It not only teaches you what works now, but you will be able to keep up with the trends of blogging as time goes on.
I highlight a lot of what I learned in the course, and what I put into practice in my article How to Start a Travel Blog That Makes Money.
Other Blogging Training Courses to Consider
There are many blogging training courses out there. If you’re on a budget, you could start with free resources before diving into a paid course. But there are a number of paid blogging courses that could cost less than $500.
Before signing up for Scale Your Travel Blog, other blogging courses that I look into were:
- Stupid Simple SEO (this was my second choice, it seemed like a great place to start.) Click here to read about their course.
- Six Months to 50k Sessions, and other courses by Nina Clapperton of She Knows SEO which cost anywhere from $100 to just over $1,100. Nina’s videos were the first ones I watched that introduced me to blogging. She’s a student of Scale Your Travel Blog, and I’ve seen her speak. I’ve also heard great things about her from her students; she’s very generous with sharing all of her expertise and knowledge.
In addition, there travel blogging courses offered by popular and successful bloggers Blonde Abroad, Nomadic Matt, and Goats on the Road. These ones usually range around $500 USD for the course itself.
How to Choose The Best Course for You
My advice is to try a freebie before committing to any blogging course.
Almost all of the blogging coaches out there offer some sort of a freebie before you need to commit to paying for anything.
When you learn from the freebies first, it gives you useful nuggets of information but but it also gives you an idea of the blogger’s teaching style and if it resonates with you.
Sign up for Laura’s next free training here. You will learn some interesting tidbits about blogging and of Scale Your Travel Blog
Is Scale Your Travel Blog the Right Course For You?
Here are some signs that you should sign up for Scale Your Travel Blog, and some signs that it may not be the right course of action for you
Signs that you should sign up for Scale Your Travel Blog
- ✅ You have always wanted to start a blog, and feel that now is the time
- ✅ You already have a blog, and you want better results
- ✅ You want to see results as fast as possible
Signs that SYTB may not be for you
- ❌ You’re mostly just interested because of the ‘get rich quick’ idea, and the thought of writing blog posts doesn’t really interest you
- ❌ You’re not really that interested in the blogging topic you’re pursuing
Final Thoughts on Scale Your Travel Blog
I hope that you found this Scale Your Travel Blog review helpful. Ultimately, I decided to go with Scale Your Travel Blog above all the other blog course options I mentioned to you, because of the extra services it provided. I needed blogging to work out for me as fast as possible, and I wanted any extra support to help get me there.
I am so glad that I took the plunge and took this course. It has realized my dreams of having a travel blog, and one that allows me to support myself and family too. I hope that this article has helped you make an informed decision that is best for you! Happy blogging.