best travel memoirs

15 Best TRAVEL Memoirs to Read in 2025

Looking for the best travel memoirs? I’m an avid traveller and am always reading -I’m in two book clubs, and read 5-6 books every month; including memoirs and travel memoirs.

When I’m not travelling, travel memoirs allow me to feel like I am still exploring and discovering new cultures.

If you’re looking for travel memoirs to:

  • live vicariously through
  • be inspired by
  • learn about different cultures and phenomena around the world
  • get excited about an upcoming trip
someone reading a book in front of a lake

Then I have the best ones for you below, and they’re a good mix of different types of travel.

Here are what I think are the best travel memoirs; their ratings and details, and what you can expect from them (what makes them a good read!)

So, let’s jump in!

Best Travel Memoirs

1. Coffee First, then The World: One Woman’s Record-Breaking Pedal Around the Planet

By: Jenny Graham
Published: 2023
Where it takes place: China, Mongolia, Australia, Canada, France, New Zeland + many more countries
Rating on Amazon: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​  (4.7)

Coffe First, Then The World is a different kind of travel memoir – and one of the best rated on this list.

Jenny is on a mission to break a world record of cycling around the world in the least amount of time. This memoir accounts a journey that lasted x days, in over a dozen different countries.

coffee first, then the world memoir cover

Since she’s biking through each place, she doesn’t spend a lot of time sight-seeing, or soaking up local culture (which is part of what you may be looking for in a travel memoir.)

Instead though, Jenny has beautiful vivid descriptions of the scenery she passes, and all the people she briefly interacts with along the way.

I personally loved hearing about her experiences in each of the places – especially as she meets locals, and has to search for very budget lodging in each one.

You may like Coffee First, Then The World if:

  • The persuit of a challenging physical goal interests or inspires you
  • You’re a biker (although, I’m not a biker and still really enjoyed this book)

2. Nowhere for Very Long: The Unexpected Road to an Unconventional Life

By: Brianna Madia
Published: 2022
Where it takes place: Western USA
Rating on Amazon: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​  (4.6)

Nowhere For Very Long is a memoir about van travel through the deserts of the American West.

The author drives in a van through Utah with her husband and two dogs.

nowhere for very long memoir cover

If you’ve read extensively through the review of this one, you may have noticed that people are pretty divided on their opinions of this travel memoir. Some find it inspirational, honest and vulnerable – and other’s don’t trust the author’s true intentions, as there have been some controversies about how genuine she is.

Still though, if you want to read about a western road trip of someone who is seeking to do life differently, then you may enjoy the book, as many others did.

You might like Nowhere for Very Long if:

  • You enjoy reading about human relationships; romantic, and family. The author is very honest about her complicated relationships with her family and now-ex husband
  • You’re interested in the living life on your own terms, and dancing to the beat of your own drum (even if its unconventional) mentality

3. We Came, We Saw, We Left: A Family Gap Year

By: Charles Wheelan
Published: 2022
Where it takes place: Peru, Colombia, Cambodia, India + many other countries
Rating on Amazon: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.4)

We Came, We Saw, We Left is a memoir about a gap year (9 months exactly) of travel with two parents and their teenagers.

we came, we saw, we left book cover

The author goes through quite a bit of explaining the logistics of how they were able to pull it off (they have jobs and a home and pets, and they’re trying to stay within a budget.)

Their first destination is Colombia, and they move on to travel through several more throughout South America and the world.

You may like We Came We Saw We Left in particular if you:

  • Are interested in family budget travel (they give lots of tips of how they keep things affordable along the way)
  • Enjoy listening to others funny and crazy travel stories. They have lots of them, and it shows that things don’t always go as planned or how you’d ideally like

I listened to the audiobook for this one, and did not like the voice reading it – if you’re thinking of listening to it, then I recommend listening to a snippet of the audiobook before buying.

4. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

By: Cheryl Strayed
Published: 2012
Where it takes place: Pacific Crest Trail in California and Oregon
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.4)

Wild, is about a 26 year old woman who, after a divorce and a alienation from her family, decides to hike 1,100-miles (1700 km) by herself along the Pacific Crest Trail.

She wasn’t as prepared as she should have been, so there are a few mishaps along the way. All in all, it was a journey of learning, reflection and self-discovery.

wild book cover

If you haven’t heard of Wild – it was turned into a movie starring Reese Witherspoon and it was also the first-ever book to make it onto Oprah’s book club.

You may enjoy Wild in particular if you:

  • Are going through a breakup or divorce, and feel inspired by someone’s attempt to do something adventurous to bring her out of the difficult slump
  • Enjoy or appreciate challenging hiking stories

5. Some Kind of Magic: A True Story of Love, Life and Wanderlust

By: Sonya Moore
Published: 2023
Where it takes place: India, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, France + more
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.5)

Some Kind of Magic is a single woman’s journey through travelling and living abroad in Asia, in addition to a few stints in Europe.

Sonya quit her job in her late-30s, and flew to India for reflection, healing, spirituality and enlightenment.

some kind of magic book cover

Sonya does a lot of meditation, listening to her inner self, and signs from the universe. Her descriptions of the places she visits are beautiful – I felt like I could almost smell, taste them even though it was only from an audiobook.

A huge part of the book centres around her relationship with a French man she meets in India. “Love, life and wanderlust” definitely sum up the focus of the book.

Some Kind of Magic may be up your alley if:

  • Things like law of attraction, signs from the universe resonate with you (conversely, if you don’t like that stuff then you probably won’t enjoy this book)
  • You find the dynamics between romantic relationships interesting.
  • You liked Eat Pray Love

6. In A Sunburned Country

By: Bill Bryson
Published: 2000
Where it takes place: Australia
Rating on Amazon: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.6)

In A Sunburned Country is different from some of the other travel memoirs I’ve listed so far. Personal relationships don’t come into it as much, and it is solely focused on the destination at hand.

If you’ve ever read any of Bill Bryson’s books though, you know that he is pretty entertaining.

in a sunburned country book cover

Having lived in Australia for one year, I found In a Sunburned Country so fun and fascinating to read.

Even though the book is over 20 years old, most of it still fits today because many of the interesting facts shared are related to Australia’s history and weird and quirky events that have taken place

In a Sunburned Country is up your alley if:

  • You have a sense of humour, especially a bit of dark humour
  • You’re interested in Australia, have been there or plan to go there. This will deepen your knowledge about this unique country

7. Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything

By: Elizabeth Gilbert
Where it takes place: US, Italy, Indonesia and India
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.4)

You’ve probably heard of Eat Pray Love; its one of the most iconic travel memoirs out there.

eat pray love book cover

Elizabeth Gilbert is a really good story-teller. I’ve read several of her fiction books, as well as her travel memoir.

I love how the people she includes in her travel memoir became real to me, and apart of wider narrative that she was telling. Its not easy to turn your life into a compelling read, but she did it.

You’ll like Eat, Pray Love if:

  • You enjoy meditation, yoga and spirituality to an extent, as that’s a huge chunk of her journey
  • You’re a foodie. The descriptions of the food in Italy made me hungry
  • You like reading about relationships. Her romantic relationships are a theme in the memoir

8. The Year We Ruined Our Lives: A Family Road Trip Through Mexico and Central America

By: Paul Carlino
Published: 2022
Where it takes place: Mexico, Guatemala
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.4)

The Year We Ruined Our Lives has a lot of similarities to another book I mentioned above, in that its a family who leaves everything to travel.

This travel memoir though, is a family with slightly younger children (12 and 9 years old), whereas in We Came, We Saw, We Left, all kids are teenagers and one is 18.

the year we ruined our lives book cover

Both books involve homeschooling, but this one more so, as the kids are a little bit younger.

It’s an inspiring book that I would definitely add to your list if you’re interested in family travel, homeschooling, and particularly about discovering Mexico and Central America.

9. The Passport Project: Two Sisters Ditch Middle School for a Life-Changing Journey Around the World

By: Kellie McIntyre
Published: 2022
Where it takes place: Australia, Iceland, Italy, Indonesia + more
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.9)

The Passport Project is the highest-rated travel memoir on this list. The author is a teenager, and it recounts her trip around the world with her family.

the passport project book cover

It’s the perfect book to read for pre-teens. It has some pictures and visuals, which makes it a bit more engaging for a younger reader. I bought it for my 12 year old for Christmas (and I will update this post soon with news about what she thought of it!)

The book is story, but it also lot of interesting information about the cultures they visit as well – so its educational, as well as entertaining.

You may enjoy The Passport Project if:

  • You have a child in middle school (it’s enjoyable for adults, but probably even more-so to kids their age who can relate to their point of view)

10. A Year in Provence

By: Peter Mayle
Published: 1991
Where it takes place: France
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.5)

A Year in Provence is about a British couple who buy a 200-year old stone house in the French countryside. I read this as a teenager and actually really enjoyed it, and it has stuck with me ever since.

Maybe its because I learned French in school, and was planning on going to France on exchange. I just generally like all things French – and if you do too, then you’ll like this book.

a year in provence book cover

The author goes into witty detail about the cheeses, wines, countryside, people they encounter. It’s a beautiful recount of time spent soaking up the culture and gastronomy of France.

You may like A Year in Provence if:

  • You’re a foodie, and appreciate descriptions of delicacies and gastronomie
  • You’ve spent time (or planning to) in France

11. What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding

By: Kristin Newman
Published: 2014
Where it takes place: US, Australia, Iceland, Israel, + many other places
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.5)

What I Was Doing While You were Breeding was a book that I put off reading for a long time, just because of the title.

As a travel lover who’s also a mom, I felt like the title was somehow putting down my choice to be a mom. However, if you read this book and get to know the author, you’ll see that that likely wasn’t her intention at all.

what i was doing while you were breeding book cover

Kristin Newman has a witty sense of humour, as she’s a comedy writer for TV shows. She also has a desire to settle down and have a family one day, but doesn’t want it at the time that the vents in her travel memoir take place.

That being said, a big theme in the book is about her relationships and encoutners with men – ultimately, she’s on the search for something meaningful, but struggles to find it.

You’ll like What I was Doing While You were Breeding if:

  • You appreciate a good sense of humour, and have watched any of the shows that Kristin Newman has written for (That 70s Show, How I Met Your Mother, Chuck and many others)

12. A House in the Sky: A Memoir

By: Amanda Lindholt
Published: 2014
Where it takes place: Afghanistan, Iraq, India, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, Canada
Rating on Amazon: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.6)

A House in the Sky was a hard book to get through, but well written, and inspiring.

The first part of it is travel memoir, and the second half is a surval story after she was kidnapped and held ransom in Somalia.

a house in the sky book cover

Amanda Lindhout set off for solo travel in her early 30s. She was drawn to a lot of places that wouldn’t be on most people’s maps, like Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

She started off her travels in Venezuela, but overtime, sought to travel to places that were more and more dangerous.

You’ll enjoy A House in the Sky if:

  • You are able to show compassion to the author for her choice to go into countries and situations that she was aware were dangerous. The main criticism of this book is from people who find it hard to see past that
  • You appreciate a good survival story, even if some parts of it are very disturbing

I read A House in the Sky for a book club, and it was well-receivied by everyone there. I personally really appreciated Amanda Lindhout sharing her story, and am so glad that I read it.

13. Things I Learned from Falling: A Memoir

By: Claire Nelson
Published: 2021
Where it takes place: UK, Canada, United States and New Zealand
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐​​ (4.4)

Things I Learned From Falling is a travel memoir, but it has two other main focuses in the book besides travel – the author’s mental health, which she describes quite a bit in detail – and the incident of her (almost fatal) fall in Joshua Tree National Park.

things i learned from falling memoir

The author, Claire Nelson, is originally from New Zealand, but spends time in the UK, Canada and United States in this book.

She lives abroad in the UK for an extended period of time which she discusses in the book, and then spends time in Quebec City in winter in Canada -she talks about the unique experience of dogsledding in the countryside outside of Quebec City, and experiencing the French-Canadian culture in Old Town Quebec.

The book flips from the past to the present. The present involves the story of her accident in Joshua Tree National Park in California, which is an amazing story of survival.

You may like Things I Learned from Falling if:

  • You find survival stories fascinating
  • You’re interested in mental health; anxiety and depression
  • You’re a hiker. Claire Nelson provides many lessons-learned for hiking

I read Things I Learned From Falling for a book club. The group mostly enjoyed the book, there were one or two people who said they didn’t enjoy it.

14. Four Seasons in Rome: On Twins, Insomnia, and the Biggest Funeral in the History of the World

By: Anthony Doerr
Published: 2008
Where it takes place: Italy
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4.3)

Four Seasons in Rome is about a family with twin babies living in Rome, Italy. The author gets a study grant for a year there, so he moves there with his young family.

four seasons in rome book cover

In case you didn’t know, the author Anthony Doer is the one who wrote All The Light We Cannot See, which was a bestselling and award-winning book and was turned into a Netflix series. (He wrote Four Seasons in Rome several years before.)

If you want to be inspired by someone who’s brave enough to go live abroad with a baby, then you may particularly appreciate this book!

You may enjoy Four Seasons in Rome if:

  • You enjoy a well-written journal-style story
  • You’ve travelled with a baby, or plan to
  • You appreciate good writing. If you’ve read any of Anthony Doerr’s stuff, he’s a talented writer and uses language beautifully to describe people, food, landscapes. Rome will come alive to you in this book and you’ll feel like you’re there!

15. Under the Tuscan Sun

By: Frances Mayes
Published: 1996
Where it takes place: Italy
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Under the Tuscan Sun is an “oldie but a goodie.” Published in the early 90s, it’s been translated into 50+ languages and had a motion picture made out of it.

It was one of the first of many similar memoirs, which is part of why it was such a success – but I wouldn’t let that put you off. It’s beautifully written and captures the Tuscan countryside so beautifully.

under the tuscan sun

Similar to A Year in Provence, Frances buys a stone home in a small Tuscan town, and fixes it up with the intent to live there.

You may enjoy Under the Tuscan sun if:

  • You enjoy a book that takes place in Italy
  • You’re a foodie (the author includes some of her own recipes that she whipped up in the kitchen. they’d be considered advanced for someone who doesn’t cook, but probably beginner if you’re a talented chef)

Travel Memoirs FAQ

Here are the most commonly asked questions about travel memoirs

What is a travel memoir?

A travel memoir is a memoir, but centered around a trip or a journey somewhere. A travel memoir is a certain genre of writing on its own where a big focus of the book is the trip itself. There are descriptions of the place the author is visiting, and what their impressions are.

What are the best travel memoirs?

There have been a number of great quality, best-selling travel memoirs published in the last few decades. Some of the best travel memoirs are: The Passport Project, Coffee First, Then The World, We Came, We Saw We Left and Some Kind of Magic. Of course, this is subjective -but overall, these are some of the highest rated books.

What is the difference between a travelogue and a travel memoir?

Travelogues and travel memoirs are almost the same thing. The main difference is that travelogues can exist in the form of a guidebook, podcast, or brochure where as a travel memoir is strictly a memoir; with a large focus being about travel.

Final Thoughts on the Best Travel Memoirs

I hope that you found some travel memoirs on this list that you might like to pick up. These books have inspired me and allowed me to travel while living at home and have been an inspiration to me as a writer and a traveller.